About ME

My name is Alec Rudek, and I am an artist, a builder, an innovator and a creator from Chicago, Illinois. I combine passion for visual art with fascination of interactive media and design to cultivate wonder, curiosity and fun. As I constantly learn about the ever-expanding world of interactive technology, my desire to make amazing things grows!


My interests and experiences revolve around conceptualizing, designing and fabricating interactive art. When I am not brainstorming about the next project, I am building my skills as a painter and illustrator.  My experience in traditional art, digital programming, and production means I am constantly learning the next program or tool to use. It keeps me busy!



"Just how every human being is installed with a natural instinct for rhythm, we all have a natural instinct for creativity."

For all of my life I have been interested in creating art. What started as a frequent hobby doodling my favorite Pokemon and video game characters eventually turned into an outstanding passion, where I create paintings of self expression and inner visions. In 2010, I enrolled in Gallery 37, a school that taught the discipline of fine art. There, I learned how to create art with different media, and I completed my first acrylic painting. Through the hard effort guided by this class, I developed a connection with painting as a medium and practiced as much as I could. In 2013, I attended my first music and arts festival. I was exposed to the endless styles of art that surrounded me with values of sharing, self expression and positive intention. This experience served as an immense inspiration to me, and has shaped the style of art I create today. Painting is my preferred form of communication and expression. When I paint, the concept of what I am creating evolves in real time, and I let my mood, thoughts, and mistakes influence the final outcome. I often use the interpretation of my peers and friends as inspiration for the piece, in order to foster a collaborative effort between myself painter and my community. I find it easier to visually represent my ideas and thoughts over verbal demonstration. It is my mission to share my art as much as possible with anyone and everyone.

Today I continue to paint, focusing on surrealist landscapes, environments and organic forms. I utilize color, contrast and figure to create a statement with my work, often implicitly. In addition to traditional painting, I spend time creating digital illustrations using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. As a recent graduate of DePaul with a bachelor's degree in Interactive and Social Media, I have interests in using my knowledge in the field to create interactive art for a unique and wonderful experience.