MoonBeams Illustrations
Moonbeams is one of a three-part animated story by George Berlin Studios that tells its epic tale of imagination, courage, and exploration to over 80,000 people in one night on the façade of the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Romania, for iMapp Bucharest festival.. iMapp International Winners League is the largest projection mapping festival in the world, and we were humbled to add our voice to this incredible event.
From Sketches to Renders
My core responsibility for this project was to translate rough sketches and concepts into vector graphics and prepare the files for animating. Following light instruction and provided examples of the intended aesthetic, I created seven unique characters for the movie. Instructions pertained to how to seperate the elements for animation purposes, and much of the designing and rendering was a product of my creative liberties.
Below is a recording of the final prodution of Moonbeams.